Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Tuesday in Pictures

 Morning visit to San Matilde church. San Matilde is a semi-rural area of re-settled Hurricane Mitch refugees

The San Matilde pastor has a vision for restoring the community. He smiled and said some of the residents call him that "crazy pastor" because of his vision for the future, which includes a market and a pharmacy in the community. Church vision, which appears behind the pastoral couple is, Jehovah is my protector.

Afternoon visit to a Chinandega church with a dynamic youth ministry.

Mural on wall of the Chinandega church

An outreach ministry of the Chinandega church occurs in this thatched-roof building and the neighboring streets. Church members set up games for children, talk with the residents, host worship, and go house-to-house praying with and for the people of this poorer neighborhood.

A few neighborhood children look at Pastor Gary's photos of Iowa. Snow was a mystery to them.

Carol with an area resident whose house we visited and with whom we prayed.

Kathie journaling in the hotel at the end of the day.

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