Thursday, February 10, 2011

Managua Safety and Security: Part II of II

Jairo, the Nicaraguan I interviewed this morning, was also a good resource about street smarts.

Gringos also need to be cautious, because if you are a gringo in Nicaragua you are a dollar sign.

What does he mean by cautious? 

His advice:

·         Don’t wander by yourself.
·         Don’t go places you’re are not sure of.
·         Don’t act lost.
·         Don’t be too friendly on the streets. If you act too friendly, you look gullible and easily deceived.
·         If you are carrying something or wearing a backpack, be especially cautious.
·         If traveling by car make sure the doors are locked and windows up.

(Another word of advice I’ve heard here from several sources: Don’t wear flashy or expensive jewelry.)

Jairo had one additional word of caution: Don’t trust every taxi driver.

 A lot of robberies, he said, take place in taxies. Never get into a taxi with two men. The second man may have a gun and demand whatever you have.

Most gringos in Nicaragua are advised to use only taxi services recommended by a Nicaraguan friend or street-wise, long-term-in-Nicaragua gringo.

Warnings made, Jairo concluded with reassurance: If you use common sense and are street smart, you are safe in Managua.

When I think about it, except for the taxis, his advice is pretty appropriate for major  U.S. cities as well. 

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