“We accomplish in our lifetime only a tiny fraction of the magnificent enterprise that is God’s work. Nothing we do is complete which is another way of saying that the kingdom of God always lies beyond us. –Oscar Romero, Assassinated El Salvador Bishop
Mike and Maria Saeli, who in their fifties left their New York farm for Latin America, talk about their vision for Nicaragua in their tiny Leon apartment.
“What gave me so much hope was the arts event,” he says. “Kids blossomed in those for days, learning to sing or dance or produce something beautiful.”
I’m suddenly aware he is describing an event funded by a Pella Benefit Garden Tour last spring.
Oblivious, Mike continues, “Each of those 50 children finished that camp thinking, ‘I have talents and gifts. God thinks I am special.’ I believe some of them will become movers and shakers because someone helped them see they are made in the image of God and have something to offer.”
I remember collaborating with Stuarts and Geetings for that tour, the plants from by De Jong Greenhouse, the guided tours by Dan Van Weelden, the generous donations of the tour guests.
Joel Huyser has told me those funds were crucial to funding the art camp.
Now Mike’s vision of its impact opens my eyes, too.
This spring, working on a book about Nicaragua’s Nehemiah Center, I’ll not have time or energy to for second garden tour.
But last week, Marlo suggested we organize a Pella Benefit Concert instead.
Having heard Mike Saeli, how can we do any less?
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