Saturday, January 23, 2010

Nicaraguan Miracle

We are at dinner with Pastor Diomedes in Somotillo, a town of 10,000 near the Honduran border. 

We have toured his dynamic ministry—a school, agriculture center, radio station, and a church—which has planted 30 daughter churches in the past 10 years.

A jovial man who loves a good story, Diomedes tells of his first trip to the United States for a Latin American Pastors Conference. At the first meeting, while ending his use of a toilet at a five-star hotel, he looked for the handle.

He hunted beside, behind, beneath—and found nothing.

He sat perplexed.

He could not leave this stall as it was. People would think Nicaraguans were unsanitary idiots!

So he raised his hands, looked heavenward, and prayed fervently, “Lord, I don’t know what to do. I have looked everywhere. I need a miracle. Please send a miracle.”

In faith, he stood up, and God sent a miracle. The toilet flushed!

He praised God profusely and returned to the meeting.   

Only later did he learned that God performs this same miracle each time that stall is used.

It was the miracle of the automatic toilet.

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